Looking for theme with ranking/points system

Hi there,

I have found various wordpress themes in which users can create their profile, adding their online games they are playing and also join and create tournaments within the site.

What i haven’t found yet is a theme that the users based on the result of the tournaments they participated (tournaments that offered throught the same site) they are getting points so that they can increase for example their skill.

Do you know if there is already any theme out there that can supoprt the following or some of them ?

  1. Users to be able to log in + register
  2. User to create their profile and/or team.
  3. Admin to be able to create tournaments that registered players can join.
  4. Most important based on the results, the users to get points and lvl up their profile. These points/skill can be shown on the user page etc
  5. User can challenge each other

Thanks in advance

We have created more than 200 games (https://codecanyon.net/user/codethislab/portfolio) and developed many themes and websites for our customers to set-up tournaments.
If you send us an email to support[at]codethislab[dot]com with more details about the features you want to implement, I’m sure we’ll find the right solution to help you :slight_smile:

@idadicostanzo thanks for your reply.

However i would like also to ask on this forum if there is already a theme out there that support what i described in the initial comment because i checked and i did not find any
