Amazon changed my ID, I don’t have an API key as I did not achieve three sales yet. I just added my ID in front of the country where I am selling from.
In woozone where you normally enter the keys, it gives an error that my Amazon ID is not recognized. But I did not enter any keys there and I can’t delete them either. Now my products are all wrong prices, it looks like they are not synchronised. Can someone please advise me?
Many thanks
Thanks for purchase from Envato.
Contact with your item author link Contact Here…
If they ask about purchase key collect key from Here…
Still have any question open a Envato Help ticket Here…
They would like to assist you.
Best Regards
I purchased a license to get the woozone technical support. I am confused where do I open a support ticket for woozone?
Many thanks
can you give me your purchased item link ?
Where can I find this link? I have a purchase code.
which one is your item
go to that link like this then click on here http://prntscr.com/lliz2t
Then click this button http://prntscr.com/llizds
you will find your option where, what have to do.