Woocommerce - Custom Booking

Hi Guys,

I URGENTLY need your help.

I want to develop something similar to this - http://georgianbus.com/ (styling does NOT matter).

Anything what will help me or give a hint will be great. For example: Wordpress Plugin, PHP Script, Web Article or whatever.

Thanks in advance, Duke :wink:

Are you expecting custom web development?

I could help you on this. Please, drop me an email to gmail(at)moskvayigit.com to discuss the details



Hereโ€™s some references as well in case you need to check:

Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/krasotaiskusstva
Studio : https://studio.envato.com/users/ki-themes
ThemeForest : http://themeforest.net/user/ki-themes/portfolio
Www : http://www.krasotaiskusstva.com

Send your detail to my email: outsource[@]desginerresource.org.

It is forbidden to put personal contacts on this forum. If you want to hire someone you need to put your envato studio services link