Why ZIP file is not accepted by the new uploader?

I trying to upload motion graphic elements pack of 16 clip (mov. png + alpha … )I compress in a zip file,(Using all kinds of compression software, such as Winzip, WinRAR, 7z, etc.),but not accepting,Why? 3 days ago, I almost succeeded in uploading, only showing “no clips ready” at the submit button.I have been puzzled by this uploading problem for a long time. I urge you to help me.

File main.zip is not an accepted file type. The accepted file types are video/mp4,video/x-m4v,video/*,application/zip,application/x-zip-compressed

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I have the same problem and I am still waiting for a personal response from the team. If you have solved this problem I will be happy to share the solution :slight_smile:

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