Why this design got hard rejection?

What are clear and right standards to create PSD template. i got 2 time rejected with 2 different designs

Share the preview image here if you want feedback

charlie4282 is right share you item screenshot or live preview
then many one can give feedback

Here is the preview link. https://imgur.com/a/7bWERoL

Feedback would be appreciated

I think this item is out of envato themeforest quality standard.


It’s look like client personal work.

If you want to approved your item on Envato Themeforest you have to more study and research on this market place.

Hope will helpful for your.

Thank you so much for the feedback. I also purchased one template for marketplace to see what can be the difference but still i am very confused. Could you please throw some more light please so that i can get a better idea please. I would really appreciate it.

Enavto Themeforest Is enough for research you can getting idea from successful author but don’t copy anything from anyone.
Research that category item which one you want to approved.

Good Luck.

The one page concept is very overdone - to stand any chance in this category you need to offer something flawless in design, modern and with stand out features.

With respect the basics here are a long way off the standard incl. spacing, hierarchy and esp typography.

Again with respect to your effort, this is fundamental stuff and not really something people here can reach beyond links such as @unlockdesign shared above.

If these things sound alien then a premium creative marketplace may not be right for you.

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This just got rejected as a logo template design. Any feedback is appreciated.