Hello, envato community! I created PSD design. My item has been hard rejected. It’s not first template. Please, rate it. What’s wrong with my template? Thanks!
that’s good to done a job.
But your item design quality need to improvement make your design unique and aesthetic.
I think this is problem http://prntscr.com/lc3oft , http://prntscr.com/lc3owl, http://prntscr.com/lc3p2g,
These issue i have seen your item study about this
Thank you for reply! Now I see where I need to make improvements.
Hey there,
Here is my feedback about your design
- Use name for logotype not portfolio template give a name
- Menu looks week maybe bolder and bigger size could help
- Please remove dashed lines doesnt make sense for any design technic
- Please check spacing top and bottom of your sections and buttons
- For services if you could use icons maybe it helps
- In portfolio section read more too big and removed dashs
- Create better shape bg 2 same object with 2 different opacities doesnt make it looks good
thats all
I hope you understand my opinion is not offensive.
good luck
Thanks for feedback! I found it very useful. Argument cannot be offensive