Why are my files rejected?

I really don’t understand, I see low quality files, and when I upload files they reject them, I don’t know what to think, please help me, I would like to know what problems these designs have for having been rejected so harshly

Don’t worry! It’s not just you! Your flyers are great, but Envato doesn’t want to sell them! Envato hates its authors! So ordered the reviewers from high up!
All authors are currently under the knife! Look at what is being allowed by reviewers… Absolute bullshit!!!
It’s like we’re in 1980. You can see here how works that no one buys are approved! [link removed]
Many pages with not a single sale! Envato sold its authors to third parties!
Envato wants to remove authors from the market because of “ELEMENTS” It’s a dead platform for authors! Find another place to sell your flyers!
It is a quasi-community steeped in hypocrisy!!! The problem is not with your flyers!

Hi, your flyers are old style like 2014 approved envato, try make new style this year 2024 (you can see inspirations others designs approved) and you cann’t use images stock for file buyers. you can only show preview and file use placeholder (shape), good luck.

This flyers are oversaturated.
You can do much better than that.
But the fact is that Envato wants customers buy from Elements.
Thats why htey approve a lot of the same flyers that dont sell for the marketplace and rjeect a lot of good ones.

the models are ai creations with my promps, and not are included in the psd
i have online 500 flyers ,

You always had good flyers but times and the marketplace is changed.
A great looking flyer is not always a guarantee for approvement anymore.
In the past i had 200 flyers approved but now i can’t get anything approved for
3-4 years.

yes is a big problem for some autors, you are right, i will change my design to another webs,

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If you want to get these items approved, you’d at least need the original drawings for the illustrations. These are good ones but when you cannot add the images to the items, the rest of the design is not important.

If a designer purchase the flyer as this without the “girls” no matter what they added there it won’t look good as this one. I believe the marketplace is moving to the “illustrations” and more unique designs therefor these kind of getting “hard” rejected due to it’s not hard to find similar ones online even for free.

i see in graphicriver this style, maybe new files , mm 100 or more, the problem is another,