All the free items are not showing as “download for free” when I go look at them.
Action Sport Intro is $9
It is October 3rd.
All the free items are not showing as “download for free” when I go look at them.
It is October 3rd.
September was our last month for running monthly free files. We just haven’t removed the section yet. Thanks!
Hi @KingDog that’s mean there will not have monthly free files forever !!??
This is important and sad news … and you don’t communicate this info ?
Very bad decision, it was probably one of your strongest marketing points …
We will still periodically run free file offers but it won’t be a monthly thing. It wasn’t a strong offering for sales or author promotion so we’re limiting it going forward. Thanks!
Are you going to communicate about this new system on the forum or by email?
We don’t consider it a big change so an large announcement wasn’t necessary.
I don’t understand. If you’ve discontinued the free monthly files option, why is it still on the homepage? It feels misleading. People are wasting their time clicking on it—do you find that amusing?
It’s in the process of being removed. Thanks!
Just saying: The free downloads brought me in nearly EVERY MONTH over the last several years. It was what reminded me that the website existed and led me to purchase several packs over the years. Please bring back the monthly free items. If the free items will be shared on occasion, how will we know when to look?
We’ll still be sharing free monthly items here - Download Free WordPress Themes on ThemeForest
I’ve been a member for 15 years and keep coming back because of the monthly free files. Even when not relevant to me I’ve found great authors because of these files.
Just that for WP theme ? And for the other ressources ? Did you care ?
As @KingDog mentioned, the free resources seemed to lack strong promotional offerings, which is likely why Envato chose to remove them.
WordPress themes often take months to develop, and giving them away at no cost is a notable gesture.
Whether Envato considered it a “big change” or not, the lack of communication and transparency is a fail for the company. Better to over communicate than under communicate.