where is envato logo?

I can not find the envato logo.
all of the links are broken

Hello :smiley:

It’s likely the links were removed because the logo is a registered trademark and can’t be used without permission.

Which logos should we add to the template?

It’s probably best if you don’t add any logos :smiley:

Almost all logos are going to be registered trademarks. Please see our help article - https://help.market.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/202822640-Trademarks-101


I read it but didn’t get the answer.

what will I use in my logo containing project?

Logo animation? Lowerthird with logo? Intro, opener?

that’s quite a big change. If videohive authors are not allowed to use the envato logo as an example in their logo animations as it was ENCOURAGED by envato up until now, this should be made very clear.

Is there any offcial statement about this yet? Right now all I can find is this help page that still lists the envato logo as a ressource available to authors, while tarikelmasri is right that the link is not working.

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I would strongly advice to provide your authors placeholders for their previews they should use. Not “add[ing] any logos” is a tough task if you are showcasing a Logo animation.

Right now I have to assume that this is a misunderstanding.

Sorry for the confusion. I wasn’t aware of the usage being in an item preview. The Envato is a registered trademark which has limits on how it can be used. But I would go with the help center article until we hear differently.

If it’s a broken link then the Help Team should be contacted and they will forward it to the proper team.

thank you for replies.
I have looked at this page before.
the link here is broken.
I wrote on the forum to find out what other members are doing.

I will write to the help center today.

someone is joking or what ?

last ae projects yesterday - and now today projects have Envato logo - so?

??? when KingDog sad this - " I wasn’t aware of the usage being in an item preview."

am I stupid or what ?

Haha no you’re not stupid :smiley:

I’m not on the Review team so I’m not sure what is and isn’t allowed in item previews. I just know I’ve been asked to keep my eye on any usage of the Envato logo and name :slight_smile: