Where can i download envato logo?

Hi everyone! I’ve tried several time to download envato’s logo, but page gives me “404 not found” error. Maybe i use non correct link? If anyone has correct link, or whole logo please share it with me. By the way i found this logo ( https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/f/fe/Envato_Logo.svg) on wikipedia. Can i use it? Sorry for this sort of stupid questions, but envato several times rejected my items, that’s why i am trying to do everything right, and i want everything to be perfect.

Hello :smiley: Because the Envato name and log are copyrighted, you wont be able to use them on your items. Just wanted to let you know before you resubmitted your item. Thanks!

I want to use it in preview video.

Thank you! This is the same page where i’ve been trying for several weeks to download logo. Don’t know why but this page still givesme 404 error. I made screenshot Maybe u know the reason?