What's going on with Envato reviewers?


After our problem with being unable to submit our theme because of a smiley that was in our Message To The Reviewer, we now keep getting the same replies from reviewers who keep sending us errors in our code and Theme Checker that we cannot reproduce. We are also using Theme Check plugin (as suggested) and testing on Themecheck.org as well. On both places we are contantly getting no errors. However, the reviewers are sending us cropped (unusable) screenshots of errors that never appeared in our tests or even errors that we solved a long time ago.

Is it possibble that reviewrs are not reading any of our messages as we are never getting any replies or any other kind of feedback except the same screenshots every time?

We don’t want reviewers to solve our problems, we are just asking for decent and professional communication.


Just curiosity, mind to send me the theme and the reviewer’s message so I could take a look?

we faced this before.
Reviewer sent old errors which we fixed. You should be patient and submit again and again :smiley:

@NordWood Do you have issue missing logo/sitename by default http://envato.d.pr/mttw/5F2byaUm. I try to reproduce our issue but can’t. I ask theme about environment his used to check our theme but didn’t get answer and they still show this bug 3 times in 6 times soft-reject. Still waiting for approve :frowning:

Here are the screenshots. We solved this a while back and it either seems they are just sending us the same screenshots for whatever reason or they are reviewing the old files or haven;t updated their plugin.


So we should just basically keep sending the theme back until they read it?