This is my first after effect template.
Please review it and suggest me anything you find missing.
Tell me if you think it is not according to the videohive standards.
Thank you as your view is very important for me.
tell me what do u think.
Is it ready to be submitted and being approved.
I’d be surprised if it gets approved if I’m honest. There’s nothing specifically bad about it, but I think it’s a bit of a way off the standard required to be approved…
Yellow and blue is good, everyone likes yellow and and blue.
the particles seem a bit fast and maybe too many of them. I feel it should be a bit more subtle.
the video content seems to take up too much room, so there’s not masses of space to show off the particles background
the font looks a bit simple. What is it… myriad pro, ariel, trebuchet, century gothic? Something like that? Try something a bit more current and classy.
the font is too big. It’s taking up the majority of the screen. A logo/main title can maybe get away with being that big, but on the whole, it should not about 25 to 50% smaller.
the video placeholders/reveals are a bit simple and very repetitive.
That’s the way I see it anyway. Others might feel differently!
thank you Space StockFootage for reviewing my template and giving your opinions.
i completely agree with you.
I will try to remove these things which you described.
Thanks once again.