Have you gotten this alert in Windows Defender? Windows Defender is notorious for false positives. If you disable Defender, download the file, re-enable Defender, and then manually scan the zip file, it doesn’t detect it as infected.
As @mgscoder has rightly mentioned, Windows Defender is known to generate false positives when scanning files that have compressed javascript. You can upload the theme package you downloaded from themeforest as well as the oshine.zip file to virustotal.com and see for yourself, that the theme does not have any viruses or malwares.
Virustotal.com generates a unique hash of a file upon upload and scans it through nearly 50 of the popular malware scanners. We upload and scan our files here before distributing them and if you upload the file you have downloaded, you will note that it will generate the same hash ( any copies of the original file always generate the same hash and thus you know its not modified ) and will directed to the same scan results that were done on our files ( check last analysis date ).