Template won't download because it is detected as a Virus.

I just purchased Printshop - WordPress Responsive Printing Theme theme and it will not download because it says it is a virus. I know it is not a virus i have purchased a few themes from this site. I am having a hard time finding support and thought I would try here because of that. I have tried edge and chrome so far and both did the same thing. They are automatically deleting the download afterwords saying it is a virus. I have noticed this has been an issue before but it would seem it has been a while since it was based on forum search. Thanks for any and all help.

are you using Windows Defender? which antivirus giving you this warning. As far I know Virus should not be in any Item. Windows Defender is notorious for false positives. If you disable Defender, download the file, re-enable Defender, and then manually scan the zip file, it doesn’t detect it as infected.

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I will try that now. I don’t know why I didn’t think of that before.

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I am getting same download error. Failed download due to virus detected. I just bought Jupiter X theme today 5/1/23, and can’t download. Yes, I tried turning off windows defender, and still getting the virus detected and failed download.

What can I do?

Also, I just tried ‘installable wordpress file only’ and it worked. Trying ‘all files and documentation’ still thinks is a virus and won’t download.

Windows Defender is notorious for false positives. What it claimed it found in your case was a “trojan downloader” in the form of a JavaScript file, rather than a trojan itself.

You can try to download the files from another PC (Firewall disabled) and for security don’t open the theme file – instead, head over to virustotal.com and upload the zip file. They will scan it against all the top antiviruses and you can determine if it’s a false positive or not. if it is infected, delete the zip file and send the virustotal results to envato support by opening a Help ticket .
