Using sections of wordpress themeforest theme on my website with Elementor...

I have installed Astra theme for my website and I just bought a ThemeForest Wordpress theme and want to use sections of the ThemeForest Wordpress theme and add them to my Astra theme with Elementor! How can I do this?



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Its not a technical problem with the theme. There is nothing wrong with it. Please read it again: I have installed Astra theme for my website and I just bought a ThemeForest Wordpress theme and want to use sections of the ThemeForest Wordpress theme and add them to my Astra theme with Elementor! How can I do this?

You could try creating templates using the sections you want and then exporting/imporitng those but there’s no guarantee that it would work exactly

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I just saw a video about that! Sounds promising. Thanks Charlie!


there are 2 different theme. So, their coding style and bundle plugin is different. So, simply I can say it will not be easy and most probably will not work.


I got it to work