Using my own SFX

I have a question about using my own sfx I made and uploaded to audiojungle in my future work where Iam the main sound designer.
Do I have to be non-exclusive on audiojungle or are the sfx still mine?
Thank you

I think yes )

Firstly, the sfx are, were, and will be yours in any case. While you are selling licenses through AJ which grant buyers the right to use your sfx in a specific context, the sfx themselves remain your intellectual property at all times. With that said, AFAIK the restrictions for exclusive authors refer to not selling the same items on other marketplaces, they don’t restrict your own use of these items, so you should be good to go.


Yes what? He asked an either or question if you care to read the post.


it meant

exlusive means that you have to be exclusive only with Envato !
If you wish to sell your sfx on other markets too or your website you’ll choose non exclusive !
Copyrights are yours always ! You only lose copyrights if you proper sell your copyrighted material to another person or a library/publisher ! (some of those libraries gives you 50% share others don’t)

Thanks for the responses. Its good to hear that.

Also I have one more question. What if I am an employee in a company that is making iOS and android apps with games that are beeing sold and I will use my own sfx that are already on audiojungle. No problem in theese kind of situations? (In my contract there is no sentence about the ownership of the sounds by the company I make during my worktime)

normaly they have to license for every use ! even if you have the original files they need to have a license !
if you are Non Exclusive its not a problem !

^this. When not you but your employer (-> 3rd party) is using your sfx that is a different situation. In that case, they should get a proper license for it.

Ok, gonna change my status on AJ to non-exclusive :slight_smile:

glad we helped ! @FirstNote cheers bro !