Use of photo's / licences Elements


I have an Envato Elements license and used it for a couple of projects now and I’m wondering if I use it correctly. I have searched for several photo’s (by searching in the website) which I now see in my Elements account under Downloads. It looks like they all have a licence. But I only use some photo’s, not all. Is it bad that items are licenced but not actually used in a website? Can I delete items from ‘downloads’?

(I now realize that I might better could have use ‘collections’. )
Regards, Myra


You’re fine if you have items in your downloads that you haven’t used. We recommend using the Trail Use option when downloading items you’re not sure if you are going to use or not. Then if you do end up using them you can switch them to Project Use.

Here’s some more information on the difference :grin:

Hi! Thank you!

In the past I have used the ‘Trial’ option, but this time I searched in the website itself and (correct me if I’m wrong) this option then isn’t available (or I missed it).

I also see several template kits in Downloads, mostly I add several in a website to take what I can use. I don’t use complete template kits or complete pages.

It would be helpful if it’s possible to sort the items by project. And delete items (I see also trial items) that are not available any more.

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Download management is being worked on so it will be much more organized and customizable :grin:

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