I am trying to update the Soledad theme from WP dashboard and I get this message:
Ha ocurrido un error al actualizar soledad: No se ha podido descomprimir el paquete. PCLZIP_ERR_BAD_FORMAT (-10) : Unable to find End of Central Dir Record signature
Since I bought this theme almost 10 months ago I havent had this problem… until now. What should I do.
One of the reasons for this error could be that the update .zip package is too large and you don’t have enough space on your web hosting server.
You can check that too, but I’d also recommend contacting the theme developer, @PenciDesign for support: https://pencidesign.ticksy.com/
Hi! Thanks for your reply! It shouldn’t be a problem of space on my web hosting since I’ve got plenty of space. I will do as you seggest and contact PencilDesign!
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I have a “Soledad theme” on my website www.sinmapa.net and something has happened on the last 36h… and i am absolutely desperate…
The template seemed to has reseted by itself and now my website is SOLW, my logo disspared, my menu dissapared, me settings of the homepage webt back to scratch…
I have tried using the Siteground Backup and even that doesnt work… it takes my website back to 1 or 2 weeks ago -depending on the backup, i tried several already, even uninstalling wordpress altogether- but the template it still looks like resetd.
Siteground techincians said I have to talk to people from the theme…
Please, help me! What shall I do.