Theme installation

I;m having difficulties installing Datebook Worpress Theme. It gave me this error message: We could not find any country. Please, check your database if countries exist in it.""


Contact with your purchase item author @Pagick hope they will help you out from your issue.


Hi dear prayercome. Why did you not ask me for help in comments? I will be happy to assist you in the installation and any other issues on your website.

On your words, I see you could not install countries.

  1. Please, try to install them here: WordPress -> DateBook -> Countries Installer -> click the Start button. If you see this message β€œWe could not find any country. Please, check your database if countries exist in it.”

Then try again to click the Start and Reinstall all countries.

  1. If this does not help, then go here: WordPress -> DateBook -> Countries and Cities. At the bottom, find the field " Delete all records on one click", type in the word β€œYes” and click Delete. After this, try to install countries (as explained above).

At least, you can send me a link to your website and login details so that I could install and correct everything for you, for free.


Thank you and kind regards

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