Yesterday I made the mistake of updating my theme without testing it first and it was a disaster. All elements in pages (not in posts) with some kind of animation, including accordions, don’t show up in the pages, also the main logo in all the pages. It’s interesting that it is only pages and not posts.
I recovered a backup from the day before and it was even worse. Most pages and the admin side didn’t work. These were throwing a "Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function bridge_qode_add_admin_section_subtitle() in /home/customer/www/derilinx.com/public_html/wp-content/themes/bridge/framework/modules/performance/options-map/map.php:87 "
I found a temporary solution commenting out all the code in that file, but obviously I shouldn’t have to do that. Now I’m on 29.7 in my main site with that file commented out and it works.
I tested the update in my staging site and the same happened.
Any idea what can be happening?
Why the animation, etc. is not working just on pages after the update?
Why is it saying that the function is undefined? If I comment out that one it throws the same error in the next one in the file. And how to I solve this?
I use WPBakery as editor and add Qode Elements through there.
Thanks a mil.
Hi Arcus,
They referred me to this video with different options to update the theme https://helpcenter.qodeinteractive.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002480038-How-To-Update-The-Bridge-WordPress-Theme-And-Bundled-Plugins
What worked for me after a few tries was to upload the theme files directly in my WP files replacing everything that was there. Then updated Bridge Core plugin and all the other plugins with tested updates in my WP instance. They also suggested saving Qode options after the update - navigate to Qode Options → General and hit Save Changes , to re-generate static CSS files.
Clear all caches and hopefully it’ll work.
I still don’t understand what happened because I was doing the same in my staging and production sites and one took a lot longer and more tries to work, but all working now.
I hope it helps.