Text size for Instagram Post

Hi, everyone!
I’ve uploaded instagram template and got a soft reject, because of it: " Make sure text elements are not too small to read on mobile. Font size should be at least 30pt." It seems unclear to me, I even uploaded my design to Instagram for checking usability and I can read text (it has 17 pt). Of course, I will change the size of the text, but I don’t understand why it should have so big size, cause I saw a bunch of posts that have sizes smaller than 30pt and it is still readable.
What your opinion maybe I don’t understand something :face_with_monocle:

Can’t comment on a design or reviewer feedback without seeing it but generally speaking designs should have minimal text as meta often penalise the reach of those will too much text esp if that the. Becomes hard to read.


You have 6 separate text elements which is a lot.

Your font choices are really not helping with readability.

The text round the globe top right is very hard to read

The block copy bottom right could be a shorter more succinct call to action as the copy you have there would make more sense as post copy anyhow

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Ok, thanks! Now I see that the round text is hart to read))