Are they fit to quality standarts?

I just created this Instagram template. Before submitting, wanna know if they are acceptable or not. I used the unsplash image

hi , if u ask me, sorry to say just this but no … there are multiple issues for u to deal with , first of all the global design keeps being very simple and i would recommend that u push the envelope a bit graphic design wise. Otherwise, u have a variety if issues to deal with when it comes to typo, readability, hierarchy and so on as the typo is very flat , there is no particular originality, no variations and font combinations, not to mention that texts crossing pictures like this is not a super good idea when it comes to other making texts readable but also to make them pop out as expected, hence the problem with the hierarchy of information. The dispotisiton of text looks quite random as well …

thanks for detailed answer but there’re many works on the site like this, why they’re accepted then?

i will remind u that only official reviewers could tell u the reasons behind the rejections … as for me, i just make the most of my long experience to try to help u get to the next level and decrease potentiality for your item to be approved …

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