Tests for CodeCanyon Search Results Pages


If your images currently work and display in the correct order you won’t need to rename or resize them.

Wow Thats Really Great :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

Wow Thats Really Great :sunglasses::sunglasses:

Its great idea but it will affect the regular display pattern. Dont think we should go for this.:roll_eyes:

That’s a great idea, I believe that it will definitely impact on best item sell…

There are some serious issues with the search tab not for example I have a lot of carousels in my portfolio but if I search for carousel they don’t appear in the search results. Makes no sense. Since the new search was launched I had 0 sales… this is not good :slight_smile:

Inline Preview Image isn’t displayed as the main picture in the search results lists?

@trent-aus @jamesgiroux CodeCanyon’s search results show old preview images, like 2 year old images even; how is this possible?

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I don’t get it, why you show first screenshot of each item as preview image, like seriously? this is codecanyon not themeforest, so not all screenshots are attractive. You should use the item inline image instead.

I tested the system now, and the search page looks so ugly and spammy. shadow + ugly screenshots + big container = bad looking page.

Since search was launched I had quite a drop in sales and… first “preview image” is used as featured one.
This is a HUGE issue guys!!! @jamesgiroux @trent-aus

Also: tags line is totally misplaced: too near to image and breaks the layout in my opinion. Would be way better to use it under key features:

And it looks like old preview images saved as screenshots? I never uploaded screenshots but now see my old preview images displayed when the ‘Screenshots’ button is clicked.

For one keyword it shows screenshot and for other, it shows covers. :slight_smile:

Bdw my sales for Ionic templates dropped down like never before. We are one of best sellers for Ionic but now we are nowhere in search.

My opinion that new search and (probably new algorithm) are not well connected with this “active content” thing.

Can you give us more information how new search / algorithm works?


Same thing with us. We are top seller for Ionic templates but when you search for Ionic we are somewhere at the end.

Also we had 1 sell of Ionic in last several days!

Still see the bug and my sales stopped since this morning. Very good indeed :v:

@jamesgiroux should we update screenshots to have a preview image or the listing look will be modified to include inline image as a preview? Thanks!

Most of the changes that you guys did with the envato market were very good but somehow I feel this is making thing more complicated then they should be.

Most of the inline banners are badly done and this makes the search result look ugly, I am not against change but it was way easier and intuitive to find an item in the old searh and it also looks better with the small avatars.

Just my thoughts, I hope the new search will work better when it is finished.

So the old search system is back, the sales are back too, lol. :slight_smile:

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Hi, If I enter a tag as a search item, will this directly return a list of products with the specific tag and not a list of tags matching the search?
ShowBox Lucky Patcher Kodi

it should return the products matching the tag