Dear Friends,
Kindly help me understand what the reviewer wants from this design to get it approved, as it is soft rejected. Thanks in advance!!
Reviewer comments: “Your file uses rich black as an overall background color. Text reversed out of rich black can cause problems when printing. Please use Black ink only (no C, M, or Y).”
Assumed it’s CMYK, you will need to manage the black part with only K ( regular black )
Black can be achieved in 2 different ways. Regular black has CMYK values of: C = 0, M = 0, Y = 0, K = 100. Rich black uses CMYK values of: C = 60, M = 60, Y = 60, K = 100
Thanks KI-Themes!!!
Can you tell how can I convert from my existing cmyk file with values 0 for c m y?
Only 0/0/0/100 because all small elements will drown in black when printed. You cannot convert you need to replace the background and make sure all the black value on the rest of elements are the same black like the background
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So, does that mean I should make background more grayish than true black to solve the issue.
How can I check black values on elements?