Slider Revolution is it inclued with Avada Theme ?

I bought Avada, but my purchase code didn’t work for Slider Revolution… is it normal ?
Need I buy a licence for Slider Revolution ? is not inclued with Avada ?


Yes slider revolution is included with Avada.

Follow this article for bundle plugin

You do not need any license for plugin activation Avada author pay for that now worry.



Ok thanks for your answer, but… my purchase number doesn’t work…

Hi @deRhamSA,

Theme Bundled plugins do not have their own licenses (purchase code). This means they cannot be activated mean registered for updates. So you can safely ignore any plugin activation/registration messages.

All bundled plugins update responsibility is the theme’s author. Just always download the theme latest version to get latest update plugins and update bundled plugin manually.



Here is your purchase key

If your code does not work then get in touch with your purchase item author.
