Sales down 70% from 2018 to 2023 !!! Terrible status! What do you think about the future?

There are many subscription models available, but most of them focus on stock photos, videos, or presentations. While these assets may sell well, the same doesn’t apply to themes or code, which require significant effort, money, and time to create (not to imply that producing stock videos or photos is easy). When developing themes or code, we have to continuously release updates to accommodate changes in browsers or server languages. Additionally, we provide support for installation and compatibility across multiple environments, which incurs additional costs. This entire process is ongoing when developing a theme or code product.

Already, the products we sell on platforms like Codecanyon or ThemeForest have impacted the market. When a firm issues an invoice for custom development, clients often compare it to similar projects available for much lower prices on these platforms, leading them to question why they should pay more for custom work. In a way, this is a curse for developers—we are dealing with the consequences of a devalued market.

Recently, Envato has been pressuring authors like myself to sign up for their subscription model, Elements, particularly when sales are low. In a communication with Envato support, I was told that subscriptions are now their main focus. It’s the silence of the authors that allows them to get away with this. But what would happen if authors united and exposed how Envato is pushing them into this model? Would anyone with a conscience still buy from Elements?

If Envato’s shift to subscriptions was triggered by competition, then why not address the numerous sites offering nulled versions of themes and scripts? Why not just give everything away for free at that point? Envato is heading for trouble. No author will forget or forgive the harm they’ve caused. Elements will collapse eventually, because nothing can thrive when it’s built on the backs of those who are being exploited.