Reviewer don't know layerswp

Hi all and @themeforest staff.
I need some advice because is crazy, i think they don’t care about us.

I made my theme on WordPress and i 'm using Layerswp theme framework.
Problem is they don’t read any documentaton of this, or my note. I told them that layerswp is main theme and we build child for this, they still asking to change layerswp word from child theme, but this impossible, If in child i change the name of parent theme wont work, so how can we do this…

They don’t make difference betwen let’s say a theme made with redux and a theme made with layerswp, both are 100% different. With redux you make your code as you want, and with layerswp , you make only child themes.

I sent him links to : themes that are made on layerswp, link to official documentation, but from what i see, they didn’t check all this.

So, why they let layerswp as framework here if they don’t know this, ho to review and aprouve?

And i’m 100% sure that will be again rejected because i in first i add in title word template, and correct is theme, and this time i forgot to change it …


Ooh thanks for that link, I was thinking about trying to build a Child Theme with Layers to get started. V helpful :slight_smile:

I sent this link and explain for some many times but I think don’t read it.
I open ticket where I explain my problem and next time they read it and all was OK.

I know they have much to analyze, many themes and don’t have time, so is better to tell theme about layerswp from start.


I worked with them a few years ago, and they are some of the smartest people out there. I think it must have just been a misunderstanding.

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