“Review Processing ” items disappear from dashboard confused

I have uploaded a logo template 4/5 days ago. The item was reviewing. After 4 days it suddenly disappears from the dashboard without giving any email or notification.
Why does this happen? Any Idea? What should I do now?

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hi this is very unlikely that this happened without this is reviewed already … here how i feel u should have look at the spam folder of your mailbox and i am almost 100% sure that your item has been hard rejected and the mail to notify u ended up in the mailbox , check and if u cannot find anything just try to contact the help team indeed

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If you can see your Item in your dashboard right sidebar then your Item is not reviewed by the reviewer but it is in queue and will be reviewed as quickly as reviewer can.

If you can’t see your Item in your dashboard right sidebar then your Item has reviewed and you must should receive email of the review result (hard reject/soft reject/approve). If hard reject then you will get only email to let you know hard reject. If soft reject you will get the issues list exist in your item and tips to fix those and you will see your item in Hidden Items Tab. If approve you will get email to let you know that your item got approved and you will see your item in your portfolio. sometimes email from reviewer can go in spam, so need to check inbox and spam as well.

Otherwise please Contact Author Support and let them know. Support Team will be happy to check it for you.


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Thank you so much :smiley:

Thank you so much :smiley: :smiley: