Hi, I feel review duration longer than before. I uploaded item at element from 3rd of this month, and I still dont get a feedback until now
Sometimes it is within a day or two,sometimes it takes weeks.
You can always check review times here. Reviewers don’t work on weekend. I see it’s quite long for ThemeForest.
Those review times are generally a good indicator for Market item categories, but it’s worth noting that Elements Graphics are reviewed via a different system that isn’t linked to that page.
Elements Graphics review times are much higher than average at the moment, as there has been a sharp increase in the number of items submitted to that category. Our Operations team is working on bringing those review times back down, but there are a lot of item submissions to work through.
Thanks for the clarification! It’s helpful to know that Elements Graphics have a separate review process. Understanding the current backlog is also appreciated.
What is going on with the review team? Months of work being hardly rejected again.
This is not a complaint. This is a serious question. I need to understand or have some feedback to be able to work. I have designs being rejected with the same quality level of my higher sales designs.
Months of work wasted.
Yes the review procedure is very hard to understand… I also feel the same that items which are in the same level of quality that makes high sales are getting rejected… BTW my items are now in the elements qeue for more than 8 days now… no fb yet