Hi, I’ve a 19 page PSD theme, which got soft rejected 3 times. Reviewers been telling me that me spacing and typography is wrong, need more contrast. I’ve changed everything and got the same feedback. Below some of the preview files, any suggestion would be really helpful.
Version 1
Version 2
Thanks in advance
The chuncks of text are not very distinctive (about the same size, about the same color, about the same weight), I think that’s what the reviewer is referring to contrast. Basically all the text looks pretty much the same, the different is too subtle, making it hard to see which text is which. It’s all about visual hierarchy.
Make the important text easier to spot (bigger, bolder, darker for example) and the not so important text smaller, lighter and thinner. Provided you don’t abuse the text with too many styles of course
Fixed it, lets see what happens.