Product update issues

Hello my dears. I tried to send an updated “Main file” file to correct an error in my item, the file is 57.2MB in size and when the upload progress is at 70% it stops. I read a few things about sending via FTP but nothing related to sending this type of file. Inspecting the request to send my file, I receive the error “ERR_HTTP2_PROTOCOL_ERROR” from CodeCanyon. I ask for help, please, I need to update my item.

Hi @breaklabs , it can be a temporarily error. please clear browser cache and try again.

So are you uploading via FTP or via web interface?

I’ve cleaned and switched browsers too, I get an error message and I can’t update my products.

Via the web I get an error message when uploading. Via FTP I send, wait a few seconds, update the FTP directory and the uploaded file disappears.

FTP does that sometimes, just upload it again. Forget about web interface, FTP is way to go.

I discovered the error, it was really silly :sweat_smile:. I had to exchange… for ftp.marketplace…

I apologize for the time spent on the post, and thanks for the help.