I am having problems connecting to FTP to upload my recent file. Have been trying to connect for a while with no luck 
Is the ftp service down? My file is quite large so it cannot be uploaded directly through the upload site section.
Would greatly appreciate any assistance.
Make sure you’re not using an upload/download manager. I know they can interfere with the process.
Also, maybe try another connection if you have one available. I know my satellite connection often gives me troubles with FTP and I need to switch to my mobile connection.
The Help Team may have some other suggestions if you’ve opened a ticket. Thanks!
Thanks for your answer.
I am using Filezilla client to upload. Usually it works without any problems. I also tried using a different pc but had no luck. I don’t think there are other way to upload right? The file is around 1.5gb
I use Filezilla as well, but I’ve never tried to upload a file that large. I’m pretty sure my connection would time out as well if I tried it 
Maybe the Help Team would have some better suggestions if you felt like opening a ticket?
I opened a ticket, but in the mean time I managed to connect and upload the file. Thank you very much for your help, and tips