Problem with author (collaboration)

I make collaboration with another author. But from august him didn’t send our profit.

[Link removed. Please do not call out others on the forum]

He also stole part of my design for their work.
In the message meets very rarely. Answers same content, is the problem soon will send $ 1,000. It has been almost a year !!!
What should I do??

It depends on if you had a proper agreement in the first place and everything in writing?

If you have a decent contract between you then you should be able to push them.

Unfortunately envato won’t protect you in this situation. May be if you speak to support then they may remove the file if you can prove the original was yours and that the other author is in breach of your agreement, but there’s no guarantee.

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If you are the original author of the design, which you have submitted on Themeforest, you can raise a request to Envato to shutdown the other item.

Thanks for the quick reply

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