Powerpoint or some graphics

I have a company that makes data integration and data transformations, and other that kind of services.
When i try to make graphics to PowerPoint, its usually just boxes with arrows to other boxes :slight_smile: And its not very nice looking…

What PowerPoint templates or graphics packs do you recommend to me?

Hi there! Don’t feel bad. Most PowerPoint designs look a little bit…undesirable. I recently noticed just how serious the situation is and decide to begin specializing in producing PowerPoint presentation templates for Graphic River.

I have a couple of samples that I JUST uploaded to my Behance profile here: https://www.behance.net/bridgettebryant
and I will be adding some to my media portfolio located here: media.bridgette-bryant.com

I also just put together a presentation design creative brief questionnaire that will help me gain a perfect understanding of what the direct clients I obtain would like to see and you can also use it to become more clear on what you want to produce and how you want it to look. Take it for a test drive here: http://bit.ly/1qCDDC8