I’m trying to make a button with a subtext using HTML and CSS.
I want it to look like this:
Change button text with simple HTML
/* Huge Button with subtext */ input#hugeBtnSubtext { position:relative; margin:0; padding:0; font-size:32px; line-height:12px; } input#hugeBtnSubtext[type="submit"] { display:block; border:0; background:url(../images/buttons/buttonHugeBlue.png) no-repeat 0 0; height:62px; width:356px; cursor:pointer; } input#hugeBtnSubtext[type="submit"]:hover { background-position:0 center; } input#hugeBtnSubtext[type="submit"]:active { background-position:0 bottom; } span.subtext { position:absolute; top:20px; }
The problem is that the span element won’t be positioned relative to the button… It is positioned relative to another relative positioned element earlier on the page.
Can’t input elements be to be positioned relative? Am I doing something wrong? How would you make this button?