How do I remove this button that appears when and after you click buttons with Firefox?
Set outline:none for the active state
It’s best to use a reset CSS, and most remove that.
I usually apply this code to all of my CSS:
* { outline: none; }
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I usually apply this code to all of my CSS:* { outline: none; }
Bad accessibility
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a:active, a:focus { -moz-outline-style: none; }
There’s two ways to add buttons on my template; with input and with anchor elements. I’ve removed the border for the anchor elements, but it won’t go away for the input elements…
Here’s my code for the input buttons:
input.hugeBtn[type="submit"], input.bigBtn[type="submit"], input.mediumBtn[type="submit"], input.smallBtn[type="submit"], input.smallerBtn[type="submit"] { border:0; display:block; cursor:pointer; font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; color:#090909; } input.bigBtn { background:url(../images/misc/buttons/buttonBigBlue.png) no-repeat 0 0; height:51px; width:174px; font-size:24px; line-height:24px; font-weight:normal; } input.bigBtn[type="submit"]:hover { background-position:0 center; } input.bigBtn[type="submit"]:active { background-position:0 bottom; }
And this is the CSS that I tried:
input.bigBtn[type="submit"]:active, input.bigBtn[type="submit"]:focus { -moz-outline-style: none; outline:none; outline:0; }
And all kinds of desperate attempts in the reset:
*:focus, *:active, a:active, a:focus, input:focus, input:active { -moz-outline-style: none; outline:none; outline: 0; }
I usually apply this code to all of my CSS:* { outline: none; }
This is the fastest solution. But it is said using wildcards slows down your css with some milliseconds
One of the best way to do it:
:-moz-any-link:focus { outline: none; }