A simple question, is it normal for a theme author to take months to get around to updating outdated files? We purchased two licences for porto theme and are tired of seeing and knowing we are not having updates pushed out. They are not keeping up with word press/woocommerce builds. It’s been almost 4 months now. Can anyone recommend other authors that do a better job of supporting their products?
Contact with your purchase item author @p-themes right here as a comments hope they will helped
Hi unlockdesign, we tried reaching out to p-themes over a month ago, and they responded with what we consider unacceptable. Basically, telling us to ignore the message Your theme (Porto) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. The point is, its been months now, and we would rather move to another theme brand that supports their product in a timely manner. If we ran our business the way they do we would be out of business. Do you know of another author that provides updates quickly and consistently?
I don’t know any author.
You can get help from Expert Programmer from Envato Studio may be they can helped!
Envato Studio is Envato Freelancer platform.
Thanks for that suggestion!