Please help me to understand a reviewer's rejection of screenshots and documentation

Hello! I’m totally new to this platform, and I prepared my first item for the category games. But I have got a soft rejection, and I need help to understand the reason.

The first reason sounds like

Please make sure your screenshot’s resolution is complying with the following standards, we’ve detected some incorrect resolutions. (Portrait: from 700px to 900px high, Landscape: min resolution of 1280 x 720 and aspect ratio of 16:9).

I made four screens, two in landscape projection (1280x720) and two in portrait (720x1280)
So do I need to reduce the size of the portrait screen to 900px height? Am I right?

The second reason sounds like

The documentation is currently missing

And here is I need to example of how I should prepare documentation. Currently I have a folder “Documentation” which contains the index.html with assets

Is it a wrong way to keep it project? can you give a recommendation?

Thank you so much for your attention!

documentation should be a separate folder, not within the script folder.

You can check this presentation how to upload item in codecanyon:


thank you

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