for 2 years I just know this forum.
I’ve uploaded some items of vector and logo templates.
of all the items that I upload rejected by the Envato.
I’ve read the protocol for uploading items, and I’ve been trying to upload as it should. But I still do not understand why the items I upload always direject. I use CorelDraw to create a design and photoshop to create a mockup and display the review. I’ve also tried to make the design as my friend who successfully uploaded.
You’d need to share examples of the files for any relevant feedback.
Submitting rejected files across different accounts e.g. Yours and your friends is a really bad idea and could cause issues for both accounts. Contrary to what anyone says envato does not treat anyone differently.
Thanks @charlie4282 my english is bad, Do not take it wrong, i with my friend not submitting rejected files across different accounts, but i try to follow what he say to me.
This my designs that rejected, i need your feed back.