Play videos insted of photo using lightbox/prettyphoto??

Hello all!

I’m proficient in editing html and css, but I have a need to put in a video instead of a photo using the “lightbox” effects that come with so many of the wonderful themes here on themeforest.
Is it as easy as pointing to the video URL (ex. vimeo) instead of the image URL?
Or, do I need to have the right jquery, php stuff??

Thanks for you any advice! Hey, check this, its supports vimeo, image, etc.

Your headline was correct. You can do that with PrettyPhoto too.

Great responses. Thank you!

I also have a need for the lightbox thing to pop up on a template that has a javascript “slider” image thing in the hompage header…as most of these themes have.
Do I only need to add the rel=“prettyphoto” in the image URL?

Thanks guys for your quick help!

Hey Malcalypse,

The instructions are right on this page:

It’s pretty simple really. Just make sure you are using the same libraries. (i.e, don’t mix moo tools with jQuery).