I need a script or WP plugin that displays employee data. Currently I am getting an LDAP daily feed that updates a table on my main web server. It updates 120k employees daily. My table uses employee id as primary key - and current app uses supervisor id to create tree.
At the very least I would like it to do the following:
- Display the employee’s manager
- Display the employee’s reports
- Display the employee’s coworkers
- Have good searching based on my LDAP fields (so that they could filter on location or department.
- And the last one is a bit weird but it is the biggest must have (because my current app I wrote does the first 4 OK) - I need a full list of employees under a manager. Meaning I need reports, the reports reports, the reports reports reports and so on. I need just a list of the employees with their data. I get a lot of request to help put together mailing list in our organization. If I could dump all employees, no matter how many levels down, into a table or export it then it would help on 90% of requests I get.