Good evening,
one simple question. To buy one or more themes on Themeforest means that I have to pay once and that’s all? Or do I have to pay something in the next years (updates, for example)?
Thank you very much.
You pay only once and you will have access to updates for as long as the theme will be available on the ThemeForest. However you get access to technical support for only six months. If you will need help from the theme author after this period, you will have to buy additional support.
Thank you very much for your quick answer
I suppose there’s no interest in taking a theme away from the marketplace.
There is always a possibility, nobody can guarantee it won’t be taken down in future.
Just make sure to buy a theme which is being regularly updated, works with latest version of WP and PHP, author is active in comments section etc. to minimize the risk of a bad investment.
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