Our project was rejected hardly. Why?

Hi, We wrote a ticket support system in PHP language by using Codeigniter framework. Demo Links are below. Why may it has been canceled?

Demo Links:
Client: http://ci-ticket-system.develcoders.com/client

Admin: http://ci-ticket-system.develcoders.com/admin/login
Username: super_admin
Password: 1

It’s not unique and it looks very simple. There are plenty of support ticket scripts that have a lot more features and look way better.
My advice: Add more features (ex user accounts) and design it better

@Adebog In fact, we built an MVP. And we wanna release it as soon as possible with minimal features. We wanna collect feedback from buyers before adding new features.
If we spend extra effort to add more features to it, In your opinion, will it be accepted? Or should we build an another idea and develop it?

Only quality products will be accepted. So yes, if you spend extra time, add more features and the final product is unique it will be accepted.
I had some items rejected in the past for the exact same reason.

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