i have bougt two Themes on TF, one of this themes have a nice plugin inside but the theme self is not nice enough, the plugin is also working on the second theme, but many things ar not right working/display on this theme (model agency business), so i need a Wordpress/plugin expert who can fix that plugin that it will work fine for my second theme. I will pay 500 USD for this i think not so big job. I have also some more works after this job.
If someone is interested, please send me an email via my TF profile page, thank you!
Bear in mind that of the plugin as bundled with theme 1 then you don’t have the right to use it with theme 2 or license to get any updates, and it may be customised causing issues so should spend some of the money buying an original copy.
This plugin is not to buy as standalone, if i had allready done.
If i have bought the theme, and this plugin is a part of this theme, i think i can use it also with an other theme, or not? (i’m not selling this theme or plugin, it is only for me…)
I’m no sure about that. With most plugins or other features that come with a theme (certainly premium ones) the license only covers using them with that theme. I would expect it is the same same even if it’s not available as a single item.
Either way you would certainly be restricted to using it in one single website.
I owuld suggest checking with the author because there’s a good chance that it has been customized for the purpose and understanding that would make a big difference in getting it to work as you want.
Hi Johannes,
Please, feel free to drop me an email via the contact form below: https://themeforest.net/user/ki-themes#contact
We can discuss the details after. Depends on the job, I could even delivery in in 24 hours