Need Token and Purchase code for Varification Testing for some time.

Subject: Purchase Code Verification Testing.
Can any Author provide me their API token and Purchase code for Testing purpose for some limited time please.

Thank you


You can verify purchase code from here

Or you can purchase this plugin for purchase code verification

Hope Helped!

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Thank you @unlockdesign,
i have code for api verification, just i need to test api for that i need token and purchase code of the item from some of the author.

This will not helpful for you that the other author client purchase code!
when any of purchaser come to item support on your account then you can check that

both are helpful about API Key & token creation:



you can create your own token by following @unlockdesign provided link. and when any of your customer will contact you for getting support you can ask them for purchase code. Please don’t share your token to anyone.


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Thanks @unlockdesign & @mgscoder valuable response. I will follow your suggestion.
Thanks again :slight_smile:

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