Where do I apply for credit on my account to go back to funding source? And if not can you just transfer it to my paypal? I’m in a jam andkept 43.50 on my account for a long time incase I saw anything I wanted to buy. I havn’t found anything I needed for some time. How do I get this money off my account to my bank account or my paypal? Can a staff member transfer my account balance back to funding source?
Please open Help ticket and let them know. Envato Customer support team will be happy to assist you.
Did that few hours ago, will make another.
no, please don’t create multiple tickets because it can make delay for the volume of open tickets. Just keep patience support team will reply you as quickly they can. Thanks
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… ( .) Hours later.
Looking to transfer the Envato credit to my paypal account or funding source. Need it elsewhere, kept it on account for a while until I found something to buy, havn’t and something came up yesterday to where I need it outside of envato. I don’t get your question.