Need information for my new website

We are searching for a theme on ThemeForest for our new agency’s website. I send you the picture of our future homepage and our services page, that we’ve already designed. Could you help us to find the good theme ? It must be compatible with a traduction module like WPML, with a page builder like Bakery and with WooCommerce. We need a blog post page, a page with our references, a team page, our services and a contact form.
We look forward to see your response.
Thank you,


I dont understand what you need? That someone else search templates for you and give you a links of that templates or …?

yes, if anyone knows a template that would look like i would like the link

This would be fairly simple to build and construct from scratch using more or less any theme with a page builder like Elementor or WP Bakery


You are agency where you build application , sites and other things and now you are asking that someone else for free spend his time and search for you templates.
If you cant spend some time to find template or build site by your needs how you will make site for client .
That what you want you can make and with default template from WordPress you just need to know little CSS .