Need clarification about theme and subscription payment

I am confused. If I buy a 1-month subscription, will I be able to download any software products from Or do I need to pay for both the $29 subscription and the $58 theme separately?

There is no clear information about this.
I only see the “Unlimited Downloads” button, and I understand that if I pay for the subscription, I can download mobile apps without any restrictions for free. Is this correct?

Here is the template in question:

Thank you in advance!

Envato Market and Envato Elements are different. The ad banner you saw is for Envato Elements. Items on ThemeForest (Envato Market) might not be on Elements. When you buy something on Envato Market, it’s a one-time purchase. You also get 6 months of support from the author. With a subscription to Envato Elements, you can access other themes, but you won’t get author support, and the theme you want might not be available.

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That’s why I’m asking.
I don’t need author support; I just need to download the theme.
I am completely confused, and your reply made me even more unsure.

The link I attached is from ThemeForest.

What subscription do I need to buy to get access to download it?
How can I check if this theme is included in the subscription or not?

Thank you!


You can always search Elements to see if the item is available under the Element’s subscription -Stephub Website Templates - Envato


If you subscribe to Elements then these are the options for that item to download Stephub Website Templates - Envato

Bear in mind that you will not get future updates to the item if you download it from elements. If you buy the item individually on Themeforest then you do receive future updates that the author makes.