I need a directory, listing template.
I have seached worpress directory listing themes but I couldn’t find good for me.
on this link,
I can navigate may seach with sidebar. I can refine my search. And when I change my options, results automaticaly appear .
there is also view options .
I couldn’t find any theme which works like that link.
I need help about this for my directory, listing project.
I am looking for a wordpress which I can manage easily.
looking for a directory, listing web site for my project.
I have found a few hmlt template which I may use, update it.
But if it is html, it is not easiy for my to manage it.
that is why I am looking wordpress
no problem
I can help you in any case if its html or word press i can create you a portal from where you can upload ,edit or remove the listing so let me know which we use.
I an make it simple and easy as possible that you can use it with ease.