My WordPress theme hard rejected!

I am seeking some feedback for my WordPress theme. It is hard rejected. Here, is the URL:

I am very frustrated. Please everyone give me some feedback.

Here, is the feedback:

Here is the feedback from our review team:
Unfortunately ‘WordPress’ has higher standards in terms of aesthetics. An approved design in other categories does not guarantee an approval under ThemeForest’s WordPress category. Your design has an interesting starting concept, but it needs significant improvements in terms of aesthetics and attention to details.( I am not sure about this, why the encounter this point since the design already approved, i can’t modify the design)
As higher quality items become available in the marketplace, approval requirements will increase to maintain appropriate marketplace quality.
While I’d be able to provide feedback as to how to get this approved, I can only do after it has crossed a certain threshold, quality wise. I’m sorry to say this isn’t there yet.>

Thanks in advance.

Note: This is approved figma on another account, we buy the copyright and submit as WordPress theme.


Did you and the author of the original design submit a ticket granting permission to convert it?

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The author of the original design provide us a reference ticket No which we provide when submit our theme

You will need to include the ticket id with your submission otherwise how would the reviewer know that you have permission to make the conversion

I mentioned, i include the ticket id when submit out theme.

@charlie4282 . Thanks for your feedback. Can you suggest, what may be the reasons for getting rejected of this item.

There’s no specific features/functions that the theme has - similar approach has been done lots of times and an experienced developer could achieve the similar results with Elementor/PRO.

The design has already been approved on another account. We provide the functionality that the design already have.

Doesn’t matter. One category approval cannot guarantee another.

@ki-themes i know that but my questions is how to extend the function/feature if it is not in the design?

I believe you have answered your question, adding more features/unique effects would be a start but from another point, the themes on WordPress category doesn’t really sell enough to provide an income now. I suggest not to waste any time on this project as you have already got the rejection, too.

How to extend the function/feature if it is not in the design? If design don’t have the functionality how i include extra functionality? I don’t get this questions answer. Thanks

Re-design/polish or improve the design

Thanks for your suggestions.

My last questions is, since the design is already approved. Will it be a good idea to redesign or adding more design to it?

Also, if redesign it then it will be not match with figma, right? But we should pixel perfect according to figma, right?

Adding features may be an option but it’s still not good idea.

The design doesn’t have to match with the origin but for WordPress you may have more luck if it’s from HTML category instead of Figma. Figma usually has low-design quality that it’d probably end-up with rejection at any other categories.

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So you think the design and functionality is too generic that’s why the theme is not approved.
If it is the reason, then i think it is very funny since figma is already approved.
If the design is too simple then why they approved figma design!!

By the way, thanks again for your feedback. If you find any other reasons, please let me know.

Different categories, different standards

Animations, typography and some sections need improvement.

this error occure mostly chorme catche, slow internet. make shower you internet is stable, or clear the catch of you chrome

I am sorry but this will not be approved no matter what you do to it, I feel like I’ve seen this a million times, this is what I think.